Monday, September 19, 2016

This week...
We will be labeling La Cabeza (the head) on paper.

la cabeza (head)
el pelo (hair)
la nariz (nose)
las orejas (ears)
los ojos (eyes)
la boca (mouth)
los dientes (teeth)
los labios (lips)
la lengua (tongue)
el cuello (neck)
la barbilla (chin)
la frente (forehead)
la mejilla (cheek)
las cejas (eyebrows)

We will continue to review what has been learned in Spanish (Saludar en español.  ¿Como se llama?  ¿Como estan?  ¿Quien es ella?  ¿Quien es el?  ¿Como se llama ella?  ¿Como se llama el?)  Review verbs- escuchar, levantar, mirar, saludar, sentar, silencio, tocar, saltar/brincar, caminar, correr, esperar, preguntar, ayudar, buscar, cantar, dibujar, escribir, leer, pintar, then introduce new verbs- responder, saber, practicar, hablar, enseñar.  (Students are asked to read verb flash cards.  Teacher demonstrates cues and hand gestures.)

Gracias- hasta luego,

Ms. Delgadillo

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

In Our Spanish Class...

August was an awesome month.  Scholars have been immersed in the Spanish language.  Although, some scholars had not been exposed to the Spanish language and some had forgotten what they had learned in previous years, we had a great month learning.
We have learned...
  1. our Spanish class expectations 
  2. to greet in Spanish
  3. many new vocabulary as well as verbs (escuchar, levantar, mirar, saludar, sentar, silencio, tocar, saltar/brincar, caminar, correr, esperar, preguntar, ayudar, buscar, practicar)
We are on our way to a great new month.  In September,  we will be learning the body parts in Spanish as well as more verbs and we will continue to review all vocabulary learned.  We will start from la cabeza [the head and its parts] to los dedos de los pies [the toes].  In 2-3 grades, we will discuss the body and body part function.  (I.E.  ¿Que hacemos con nuestros dedos?  Con los dedos tocamos {tocar, comer, lavar, escribir, pintar, dibujar,etc...}  [What do we do with our fingers?  With our fingers we touch, eat, hold/grab, wash, write, draw, etc...])

Ms. Delgadillo