Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thank you scholars.  Thank you parents.  Together we have enjoyed our Spanish class while experiencing the Spanish language and having fun.  As we are near the end of the second quarter, we have learned many Spanish vocabulary and phrases.  We will continue to grow together while learning Spanish and having fun.

Ending 2 Qtr:

Mini-Cuento #4: Hay un pez.  El pez se llama Paco.  Paco es muy flaco. Pero un dia, Paco come mucho.  (Come mucho pan.)  Ahora Paco es gordo.  
Mini-Cuento #5: Hay un pez.  El pez se llama Paco.  Pero hay otro pez.  El pez es muy grande. Es muy grande.  Ay!  Come a Paco, el pez grande?  Ojala que no! 
Mini-Cuento #6: Hay un gato.  El gato se llama Goyo.  Goyo come el pez grande.  Paco esta contento.  

Writing the Spanish word for each number.  (Previously, we have incorporated counting and saying the numbers in Spanish as part of the lesson(s), but now, we are learning to write them in Spanish.)

 uno (one)
dos (two)
tres (three)
cuatro (four)
cinco (five)
seis (six)
siete (seven)
ocho (eight)
nueve (nine)
diez (ten)
Eventually, before the school year is over, every scholar will have the opportunity to write up to cien (one hundred). 

common present/ past tense phrases: 
  • ¿Adonde va? (Where do you go?) 

  1. Yo voy a ... (I go to ...)  
  2. El va ... (He goes ...)
  3. Ella va ... (She goes ...)
  • ¿Adonde fue? (Where did you go?)

  1. Yo fui ... (I went ...)
  2. El fue ... (He went ...)
  3. Ella fue ... (She went ...)
  • Vamos!  (Let's go!)
common places:
la escuela (the school)
la casa (the house)
el cine (the cinema/ movie theater)
el museo (the museum)
el parque (the park)
la playa (the beach)
el supermercado (the grocery store)
el aeropuerto (the airport)
el centro comercial (the mall)
la tienda (the store)
el restaurante (the restaurant)
la biblioteca (the library)
la piscina/ la alberca (the pool)
el bosque (the forest)

Feel free to review, anytime.
Have a restful and joyful time-off.

Gracias- hasta luego,

Ms. Delgadillo

Thursday, October 27, 2016

It was my pleasure meeting so many of you last week at parent-teacher conferences.  (I know many of you did not have an opportunity to meet with me, though, I will be posting what we will be learning in the upcoming weeks.)

Fall-break, parent-teacher conferences and a blink of an eye, October flew-by.
We are at the end of October, starting off our second quarter.  
In Spanish Class...  We will continue to review what has been taught the first quarter and building on.

This 2nd quarter...
Mini-cuentos (short stories): 

Scholars will be introduce to Mini-cuentos (short stories) 
For our first set of Mini-cuentos the theme/ topic is ¿Como es? (How and who is?) el pez ( the fish), el gato (the cat) and el elefante (the elephant). 
New vocabulary: 
amarillo (yellow), anaranjado (orange), blanco (white), morado (purple), negro (black), rojo (red), pequeñ(small), grande (big), muy pequeño (very small) and muy grande (very big), come (eat), gordo (fat), flaco (skinny).

Mini-cuento #1: El pez se llama Paco.  Paco es anaranjado.  Paco es pequeño y flaco.  Es muy pequeño
Mini-cuento #2: El gato se llama Goyo.  Goyo es amarillo.  Goyo es grande y gordo, pero no muy grande.
Mini-cuento #3: El elefante se llama Ernesto.  Ernesto es grande.  Es muy grande.

common present/ past tense phrases: 

  • ¿Adonde va? (Where do you go?) 
  1. Yo voy a ... (I go to ...)  
  2. El va ... (He goes ...)
  3. Ella va ... (She goes ...)
  • ¿Adonde fue? (Where did you go?)
  1. Yo fui ... (I went ...)
  2. El fue ... (He went ...)
  3. Ella fue ... (She went ...)
  • Vamos!  (Let's go!)
common places:
la escuela (the school)
la casa (the house)
el cine (the cinema/ movie theater)
el museo (the museum)
el parque (the park)
la playa (the beach)
el supermercado (the grocery store)
el aeropuerto (the airport)
el centro comercial (the mall)
la tienda (the store)
el restaurante (the restaurant)
la biblioteca (the library)
la piscina/ la alberca (the pool)
el bosque (the forest)

Gracias- hasta luego,

Ms. Delgadillo

Monday, September 19, 2016

This week...
We will be labeling La Cabeza (the head) on paper.

la cabeza (head)
el pelo (hair)
la nariz (nose)
las orejas (ears)
los ojos (eyes)
la boca (mouth)
los dientes (teeth)
los labios (lips)
la lengua (tongue)
el cuello (neck)
la barbilla (chin)
la frente (forehead)
la mejilla (cheek)
las cejas (eyebrows)

We will continue to review what has been learned in Spanish (Saludar en español.  ¿Como se llama?  ¿Como estan?  ¿Quien es ella?  ¿Quien es el?  ¿Como se llama ella?  ¿Como se llama el?)  Review verbs- escuchar, levantar, mirar, saludar, sentar, silencio, tocar, saltar/brincar, caminar, correr, esperar, preguntar, ayudar, buscar, cantar, dibujar, escribir, leer, pintar, then introduce new verbs- responder, saber, practicar, hablar, enseñar.  (Students are asked to read verb flash cards.  Teacher demonstrates cues and hand gestures.)

Gracias- hasta luego,

Ms. Delgadillo

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

In Our Spanish Class...

August was an awesome month.  Scholars have been immersed in the Spanish language.  Although, some scholars had not been exposed to the Spanish language and some had forgotten what they had learned in previous years, we had a great month learning.
We have learned...
  1. our Spanish class expectations 
  2. to greet in Spanish
  3. many new vocabulary as well as verbs (escuchar, levantar, mirar, saludar, sentar, silencio, tocar, saltar/brincar, caminar, correr, esperar, preguntar, ayudar, buscar, practicar)
We are on our way to a great new month.  In September,  we will be learning the body parts in Spanish as well as more verbs and we will continue to review all vocabulary learned.  We will start from la cabeza [the head and its parts] to los dedos de los pies [the toes].  In 2-3 grades, we will discuss the body and body part function.  (I.E.  ¿Que hacemos con nuestros dedos?  Con los dedos tocamos {tocar, comer, lavar, escribir, pintar, dibujar,etc...}  [What do we do with our fingers?  With our fingers we touch, eat, hold/grab, wash, write, draw, etc...])

Ms. Delgadillo

Friday, August 26, 2016

Hope everyone has a great half day Friday and a great weekend.

This past week (third week of school), scholars were given a quiz.  Below are the questions given.
1.  ¿Cómo se llama? [What is your name?]
2.  ¿Cómo están? [How are you?]
3.  ¿Quien soy yo- estudiante o maestra? [Who am I- student or teacher?]
4.  ¿Cómo se llama ella? [What is her name?]
5.  ¿Cómo se llama él? [What is his name?]
6-10.  Scholars were asked to match these words with their corresponding pictures.
Buenas noches
Buenos dias
Buenas tardes

Thank You!
Ms. Delgadillo

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Dear Parents,

After reviewing our expectations in Spanish, greeting in Spanish and common courtesies in Spanish, our first week of school was a success.  And yes, I only speak Spanish in our Spanish class.  As I mentioned in our Welcome Letter, the language of instruction will be Spanish, accompanied by visual, auditory, and appropriate instructional material.  I, not only intend to speak as much Spanish as possible with your scholar, but also provide the maximum number of repetitions with all of the vocabulary.  Your scholar will learn common phrases and vocabulary expressed within their daily routines at home, school and with friends; among other topics.

First week of school, we learned…
Las expectativas son: silencio, escuchar y mirar a la maestra. [The expectations are: silence, pay attention and eyes on the teacher.]

Spanish greeting: 
“Hola, yo me llamo…” [Hi, my name is…] 
“Tu como te llamas?”  [What is your name?]    
“Como se llama el/ ella?”  [What is his/ her name?] 
“El/ ella se llama…” [His/ her name is…]

Buenos dias. [Good morning.]
Buenas tardes. [Good afternoon.]
Buenas noches. [Good night.]
Por favor… [Please]
Gracias…  [Thank you…]

Thank you!  Feel free to review/ practice Spanish with your scholar. 

Ms. Delgadillo

Friday, August 5, 2016


Dear Parents,

            Welcome to Archway Trivium East.  It is a great pleasure to teach your scholar in his or her quest to develop proficiency in the Spanish language.  Do you remember how much language your child took in before speaking his or her first words?  As one begins to acquire language, it is vital that he or she receives an immense amount of linguistic input.  My goal is to provide a Spanish immersion setting.  This means that the language of instruction will be Spanish, accompanied by visual, auditory, and appropriate instructional material.  I, not only intend to speak as much Spanish as possible with your scholar, but also provide the maximum number of repetitions with all of the vocabulary.  Some of the lessons/ topics include:

  animal names
  calendar terms
  clothing terms
  family terms
  objects found in a classroom/ school
  objects found at home
  places/ locations
  weather terms

I look forward to educating your scholar for the lifelong pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty while immersing them in the Spanish language.  Feel free to visit our Spanish blog for lesson updates at  Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.  I am available via email, telephone or by appointment.

Thank you.